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Tips for Eating Healthy over the Holidays

By Writer | December 4, 2018 | 0 Comments
picture of festive table setting

Eating healthy over the holidays, and enjoying your holiday party food without gaining weight, is possible! Holidays are meant to be fun. They’re a time to enjoy friends and family. But oftentimes they’re stressful, especially with so many indulgent treats and events that pull you from your healthy routines. After you’ve worked so hard to … Read more

Delicious Vegan and Gluten Free Thanksgiving Recipes for Vegans and Those Who Invite Them to Dinner

By Writer | November 20, 2018 | 0 Comments
picture of meal time with family

Sharing a meal with friends and family is about so much more than eating food. It’s about friendship, connection, togetherness, laughter and tradition. But when you eat a different diet than the rest of your family–for whatever reason–it can feel like you’re missing out on those aspects of community. Sometimes, that makes it hard to … Read more

How to politely ask your therapist to stop talking

By Writer | November 19, 2018 | 0 Comments

Am I supposed to talk during my massage? What if my massage therapist won’t stop talking? First of all, remember that this massage is for you. Do what feels comfortable. For some people, talking relieves the stress that is stored in their tissues. If that’s you — then go ahead and talk! But if you … Read more

How to ask your therapist to give you the massage your body needs

By Writer | November 19, 2018 | 0 Comments
how to ask a massage therapist how to get the massage you want

Open communication with your therapist is the best way to get the massage your body needs. Here are the best ways you can communicate with your massage therapist. All I know is that I am in pain. Can my massage therapist still figure out what’s wrong? A good therapist will ask follow-up questions to determine … Read more

Immune Boosting Recipes for Cold and Flu Season

By Writer | November 7, 2018 | 0 Comments

You don’t have to get sick this year! Our dietitian, Brianna, created this infographic to give you delicious immune-boosting recipes to try. Add regular sauna sessions to super-charge your immunities. (In November, you can save $20 on a 5-pack of 30 minute sessions!)    

How to Talk to Your Massage Therapist to Get the Massage You Want

By Writer | November 7, 2018 | 0 Comments
how to ask a massage therapist how to get the massage you want

When you schedule a massage, you want it to be worth your time and money. Here’s what to let your therapists know (and how to tell them) so you can get the massage you want. What does the therapist need to know before they begin the massage? You’ll complete a health history form before your first … Read more

How Eating a Rainbow of Foods Can Help You Live Longer

By Writer | October 4, 2018 | 0 Comments

Filling your plate with a lot of colors is about so much more than a nice presentation. Eating a variety of colors provides different nutrients to help boost immunity, prevent illness, reduce risk of disease, support energy levels, and support the body’s natural processes. Brianna, RD, compiled this list of colorful foods and what they can … Read more

How to Create and Use Compost

By Writer | September 7, 2018 | 0 Comments
how to compost

Turn your kitchen scraps into a nutrient dense soil that will allow your garden to thrive! Your plants will flourish with the help of the unique variety of nutrients and microorganisms that this soil provides. Benefits of composting: Reduces kitchen waste Reduces yard waste Introduces beneficial microorganisms and nutrients to your garden for optimal growth … Read more

College Meal Plan 101: 5 steps to healthy eating

By Writer | August 27, 2018 | 0 Comments
5 steps to healthier eating habits

Maintaining a healthy diet while juggling a heavy course load and work (not to mention a social life) isn’t impossible. Follow these five pointers to stay healthy this semester. Eat Breakfast. Eating breakfast has been linked to better concentration, improved memory and cognition, lower cholesterol, greater energy throughout the day, greater performance at work/school, jump … Read more

8 delicious ways to use your CSA greens

By Writer | August 22, 2018 | 0 Comments
8 delicious ways to use your csa greens

Are CSA and home garden greens taking over your kitchen? Resolution’s dietitian, Brianna, shares her top 8 deliciously creative ways to use your veggies before they wilt. (You’ll want a blender or food processor for most of these.) Drink ’em now…or later. Wash greens and freeze them. Later, toss them into a blender with your … Read more