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Ask a Dietitian: What should I eat before and after I work out?

Fueling your body is important if you want to get the most out of your exercise. Whether you’re a Cross-Fit athlete, a yogi, a runner, or a cyclist, follow these dietitian-approved recommendations. PRE WORKOUT HYDRATE. If your urine looks more like apple juice than lemonade, it’s a sure sign that you are dehydrated. Dehydration leads … Read more

Ask a Dietitian: How can I avoid headaches from working out?

Do you get headaches while exercising? Chances are you may be losing electrolytes or minerals too quickly and your body is struggling to replenish them. Be sure you stay hydrated throughout the day, not just while you exercise. Drink about 16 oz of water 2-3 hours before your sweat session. Sip another 8 oz of … Read more

7+ Ways Volunteering Helps YOU

Perhaps you’ve heard someone quip, “Love what you do and you’ll never work a day in your life.” There’s a way you can “love what you do” even if you don’t have your dream job: VOLUNTEER! Volunteering is “an act of free will that results in benefits to others.” Studies over the years show that volunteering … Read more