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3 Moves to Do When You Don’t Feel Like Moving

image of woman sitting on couch and using her laptop

Maybe your Apple Watch is pestering you about sitting still for too long. Maybe your friend is beating you again in number of steps per day. Or maybe you’re on Season 3 Episode 8 and haven’t gotten off your couch since the end of Season 2.

It’s time to move.

But you just don’t feel like it.

Do it anyway! You’ll be surprised how adding just a few extra minutes of movement every day will improve your mood, your flexibility, your creativity, your sleep, and your overall fitness.


picture of woman and children on a walk in the forest

Especially walk outside, and in nature if you can. (It’s FREEZING here today in Madison, but that’s what they make mittens and boots for, right?) Walk and enjoy your environment. You probably won’t get sweaty enough to need a shower, and the fresh air and Vitamin D from the sun will do you good.

Worried you’ll get bored? In the dead of winter, there aren’t nearly as many chirping birds to listen for. And maybe you don’t enjoy the crunch of the snow under your feet and you miss taking in the verdant parks of Madison. Maybe you need to get your mind off things while you walk. Find a podcast or audiobook that holds your interest for 20 or 30 minutes, or whatever your movement goal is for this walk. Time how quickly you can walk around your block. Feel like beating that time? Go ahead. Do it.

You can walk with a friend. You can walk with your dog. You can walk with your friend’s dog! The point is, get up and walk. Madison has tons of dog parks and walking trails that are maintained even in the winter. There are even groups of dog-walking people you can join.

Don’t want to (or can’t) walk outside? You can walk inside. Walk up and down the stairs at your office or apartment. Walk down the hall. Walk to get a glass of water and walk back to your desk (or your couch). Instead of skipping the intro to the next episode, walk around the whole time.

Up for a challenge? Strap on some snowshoes and see how far off the snowblown path you can go.

Stand Up and Stretch.

Get out of your chair.

We sit a lot in the US. Sitting is a pain in the butt, and other places. The more you get up and stretch, the fewer of those aches and pains you’ll feel in the future.

Stand up and stretch your hands toward the ceiling. Breathe in deeply. Reach one arm across you. Hold that for 20 seconds. Reach the other arm across your body and hold that for 20 seconds.

Stand in a doorway with your hands on each side. Gently lean forward. This will stretch your pecs, which are probably very tired of being stuck in one spot while you sit at your computer.

Stand on the edge of a step and stretch your calves — stand up on your tip toes and then down. Feel that stretch? Hold it for a couple seconds. Hang on to the wall for support, of course.

Up for more stretching? Check out our virtual yoga and stretching classes.

Do Something that Makes You Smile.

  • Play fetch with your dog,
  • Go to the park with your kids,
  • Dance in the living room to your favorite song,
  • Play yard games with your friends,
  • Listen to comedy while you mow the lawn or shovel the sidewalk (no, just me?)
  • Heck, even fly a kite.
picture of man in a suit flying a kite

You know that doing the things you love will make you happy!

When you’re happy, you’ll be more interested in moving. So do something to get happy and then keep on moving.

Ready for more movement?

If you know you move better when you have someone there to encourage you or show you what to do, a functional fitness class would be perfect.

Functional fitness classes use every day movements to keep you moving better every day. Our fitness coaches enjoy people and have friendly, encouraging personalities. Whether you want to sweat a lot, stretch a lot, or smile a lot, our coaches are ready and excited to help you reach your goals.

Check out our downtown fitness classes. We’re sure you’ll find one you like!

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